The8thSoaring Young Scholars Forum ofcyberspacesecurity College of Northwestern Polytechnical University was held onlineOn October 26, 2021.Wangzhen,thesecretary of thepartyg generalbranch of cyberspacesecuritycollege, Zhang Shengbing,theexecutive vice president ofcyberspacesecurity College, all faculty and student representatives attended the forum. The sub-forum invited a number of well-known scholars from queen's University andUniversity of Toronto in Canada, Northwestern University, San Francisco State University, Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore, And University of Electric and Communications in Japan.

The morning of the sub-forumwas host bytheparty generalbranch secretary Wangzhen, theexecutive vice president Zhangshengbing delivered a welcome speech. Then,Nijianbing,assistant professor of Queen's University, Canada, presented the topic of Security and Privacy in Mobile Edge Caching, and Qingjin, postdoctoral researcher of Northwestern University, presented the topic of Quantifying Growth Dynamics in Science and Innovation, San Francisco State University Associate Professor Yuehaopresented the topic ofUncover the Ghosts: Spam Detection on Social Networks, CAIqing, postdoctoral researcher of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, gave academic reports on the evaluation and application of airborne aircraft collision probability based on no-load CNS technology. We also discussed and communicated with participants on how to combine data security with artificial intelligence security and spam detection on social networks. Zhangshengbing introduced the university and the College from the aspects of its development history, faculty, talent policy, talent training, scientific research, international cooperation and exchange.

The sub-forum in the afternoon washostbyWang zhen,assistant dean of the college.WuCelimuge, associate professor atUEC (The University of Electro-Communications in Japan) presented the topic ofEfficient Networking for FederatedLearning, Bo yang,postdoctoral researcher at the University of Toronto, Canada,presented the topic ofNetworking and Collaborative Computing for unmanned systems. TheInfectious Disease Transmission and Control Using COVID-19and Influenza as examplespresentedby Luowei, theassistant professor at the National University of Singapore.Liu Zhi,anassociate professor ofUEC, delivered academic reports on the topic of Point Cloud video Streaming respectively,discussed and communicated with participants on the core concepts of federal learning.

After the academic report of the sub-forum, Zhangshengbing and Wangzhen expressed their sincere invitation to young scholars at home and abroad to join theacademy ofcyberspacesecurity, hoping to enhance the interaction between overseas scholars and the faculty and students of theacademy through the forum, and establishinga regular cooperation and exchange mechanism. We welcome outstanding young talents to join us in Northwestern Polytechnical University, focusing on basic frontier research and key core technologies for common development and a better future ofcyberspacesecurity.