In order to broaden the academic horizons of our faculty and students and strengthen international academic exchanges, the School invited a number of internationally renowned experts in the field of intelligent communication and security, such as Professor Abbas Jamalipour, Academician of the Australian Academy of Engineering, Professor NeiKato, academician of the Japanese Academy of Engineering, Professor BrunoClerckx, IEEE Member, etc. A series of high-end academic reports of Intelligent Communication and Security Summer Academicians were held. The first session of the lecture was held on August 23, presided over by Vice President Jiajia Liu. The lecture focused on the key technologies, applications and security issues of intelligent communication in the 6G era, integrating cutting-edge, academic and open. The invited experts had a warm interactive discussion with the teachers and students of our college online, which was watched by more than 500 people.

The Australian Academy of Engineering fellow, IEEE Fellow and Professor Abbas Jamalipour of the University of Sydney gave a presentation entitled "The Role and Challenges of Wireless Virtual Reality in the Future The "Networks" report explains the technical requirements, challenges and security risks of virtual reality in the future 6G era in a nutshell. Academician of Japanese Academy of Engineering, IEEE Fellow and Professor NeiKato of Tohoku University made a presentation entitled "6G Technologies for Supporting Smart Io T: "Future Perspective" provides a systematic analysis and outlook on key technologies and architectures of the Internet of Things in the 6G era; IEEE Fellow and Professor BrunoClerckx of Imperial College London gave a presentation entitled "Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for 6G", The principle and application of RSMA (Rsplitting Multiple Access) are introduced in detail. In addition, our professor Mao Bomin made presentation on Intelligent Resource Allocation and Task Scheduling in 6G Edge Network for the theme, the associate professor Guo hongzhi used Multi-UAV Cooperative Communications and Computing in 5G Advanced and Beyond as the theme. Associate Professor Yu Yinbo's lecture on The Security of Control Logic in Software: From Tradition to Intelligence, Associate Professor Zhang Shangwei spoke on the Design and Optimization of RSMA for Coexisting HTC/MTC in 6G and Future With Networks as the theme, Associate Professor Liu Baiyuan introduced Optimal Beamformer Design for Millimeter Wave Dual-Functional Radar-Communication Based V2X Systems as the theme, Associate Professor Xu Sai on Intelligent Reflecting Surface Backscatter Communications as the theme of the academic report.

This series of academic reports not only broadens the academic vision of teachers and students in our college and strengthens the whole academic atmosphere, but also provides the cornerstone for strengthening the college's international scientific and technological cooperation research.