Talent Cultivation

Introduction to Undergraduate Major


Major: Information security, Information security (confidentiality), confidentiality management.

The information security major of Northwestern Polytechnical University originates from the information confrontation major established by the College of Automation in 2000. In 2007, it was established as a characteristic major of the Ministry of Education to train specialized talents mainly in information confrontation in cyberspace. In 2009, the major was renamed information Security major. In 2011, relying on the professional resources, the National Institute of Confidentiality was established, which added the confidentiality characteristics to the major. The undergraduate major of information security carries out wide caliber professional education on the basis of general education under the background of multi-discipline crossing, and cultivates compound talents with thick foundation, wide professional surface and independent learning and innovation ability.

Information security professional students mainly focuses on computer network space information against all kinds of information security system and decision support system and the basic theory and basic knowledge of safety protection technology, system design, technology development, operational application, safety and operation management of basic training, with system analysis and comprehensive integration, engineering design, military and civil application, security strategy and the basic capabilities of monitoring management. This major focuses on cultivating students' ability to acquire knowledge, create knowledge and develop sustainably. By encouraging students to widely participate in innovative activities such as high-level academic science and technology competitions, the innovative spirit is cultivated in innovative activities.

Information security (confidentiality direction) professional training of students should have solid mathematical foundation, broad scientific view, independent scientific research ability, a strong sense of confidentiality and certain innovation ability, has become a high-quality, high-level, diversified, creative talent required security technology, security management, and other aspects of the background knowledge. Graduates have theory knowledge and skills, can be in the national security system, the national defense science, technology and industry, institutions of higher learning, the information industry and relevant administrative departments engaged in system design, technology development, operation management, security, security technology, security management, and other aspects of scientific research, technology development, management and other work, can continue to learn and study in the related research field.

The major of confidentiality management cultivates the basic theoretical and practical abilities of confidentiality science, management science, information management, confidentiality theory and other disciplines, and is skilled in the application of computer and network technology to the construction, maintenance and management of information systems. Familiar with confidentiality laws and regulations, correct political thinking, excellent moral character, comprehensive development of theory and practice, competent state organs, industrial and commercial enterprises, research institutes, institutions of higher learning and other departments engaged in information management, information system application, development, and management, teaching and scientific research.

Students majoring in confidentiality management have a solid foundation of confidentiality technology, management and legal knowledge, lofty ideological and political literacy, strong sense of confidentiality and professional spirit, and have the background knowledge of humanities and social sciences needed to become high-quality, high-level, diversified and creative talents. Graduates have theory knowledge and skills, can in the security system, state organs, enterprises and institutions, national defense science, technology and industry, institutions of higher learning, use and management of information industry and its departments engaged in system design, technology development, operation management and safety protection of scientific research, technological development, teaching and management work, can continue to learn and study in the related research field.

In order to meet the teaching needs of the above majors, there are "information security undergraduate teaching laboratory", "Information security Comprehensive innovation Laboratory", and "Information security hardware security laboratory". The laboratory has integrated experimental environment such as information security basic teaching experiment system, network practical training system, network attack and defense experiment system, which provides good experimental conditions for students' course experiment and centralized practice. The information security major has been cooperating with domestic information security enterprises for a long time, and has established cooperative relations with many enterprises, such as Shenzhou Green Alliance, CLP 30 institute, Xi 'an Four-leaf Clover, Gansu Feng Zhen Research Institute, etc., to provide internship opportunities for senior students. The graduates trained by information security major have solid professional foundation and strong engineering practice ability. They have a good reputation among employers in the information security industry and are widely praised and in short supply.